Introduction to Node.js


What is Node.js

tldr; Environment to run JavaScript outside a browser

  • Open source runtime
  • Built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine
  • Created by Ryan Dahl in 2009
  • Evolved since creation to allow developers to build almost anything



What can I create with Node.js

tldr; Pretty much anything a scripting and server language like python or ruby can, but with JavaScript

  • Tooling (build, automation, etc)
  • API’s (REST, Realtime, etc)
  • CDNs
  • Shareable libraries
  • Desktop applications 💯😎🎉👌🏾
  • IOT(Internet of Things)
  • Pretty much anything because node is on everything now

Installing Node.js

tldr; Use NVM(Node Version Manager)

GitHub NVM

curl -o- | bash

nvm install node

Running Node.js Code

tldr; REPL for playing around, cli for everything else

  • Interactive REPL

    • Great for trying things out, think console on the browser
    • Just type the node command with no args and begin
  • CLI Executable

    • Use to execute your node apps
    • node path/to/your/file.js

Node.js Modules

Browser JavaScript vs Node.js

Browser Node.js
Bulid Interactive apps for the web Bulid server side apps and scripts
DOM Nope, no GUI(can virtualize)
Window No window, but does have a global
Fragmentation Versioned, so no fragmentation
Optional modules(es6) Required modules(commonjs+)
Cann’t not access filesystem Can access filesystem
Async Async
No browser based APIs

Globals in Node.js

tldr; Nodejs gives you helpful globals, but just like the browser, you should not create your own

  • process
    • has information about the environment the program is running in
  • require
    • function to find and use modules in current module
  • __dirname
    • the current directory path
  • module
    • information about current module, methods or making module consumable
  • global
    • like window, its the “global” object. Almost NEVER use this
  • …. many more

Node.js Module

  • What are modules?
    • tldr; Encapsulated code


var module1 = (function(exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname){
// your node js code in a file

var module2 = (function(exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname){
// your node js code in another file



  • Modules in Node.js
    • tldr; CommonJs
  • NodeJs uses commonJs for its module system.
  • There are other module systems out there like:
    • ESM (ecmascript modules) new standard
    • AMD (pretty much dead)
    • … others, but don’t matter at all

Creating Node Modules

  • Creating modules

    • tldr; Regular code, just export it
  • All your Nodejs code are modules.

  • As the author, you decide how and what to expose from your modules, to other modules.

  • You do this with the module global object provided you by the Nodejs runtime

module.exports = {}

Importing Node Modules

  • Using modules
    • tldr; require
  • The Nodejs runtime injects another global, require.
  • This function takes a relative path to the module that you want to consume, and synchronously loads it by returning whatever the target module exported.
const myModule = require('./myModule')

Internal Modules & npm

The fs Module

  • Shipped modules

    • tldr; Node.js ships with a bunch of helpful modules already
  • fs - fileSystem module to interacting with files on a machine

  • http - low level-ish module for creating network based programs, like APIs

  • path - useful for mainpulating path strings and handling differences across many OS’s

  • …many more

const fs = require('fs')


Other Internal Node Modules

Remote Modules

tldr; download and use other modules from the internet

  • Node.js has grown a bunch, and a bunch of that growth is due to its community and the ability to share modules and consume them at will
  • You can slap together an app really fast by reusing public modules. Which are the same as the modules you make, but packaged for downloading
  • This sounds nice, but now you have to be aware of malicious code. Also, you need a system to help with the management ogf remote modules(downloading, publishing, updating, etc)

Modules Recap

  • Three module types, on require
    • tldr; modules you created are always relative paths.”.js” is implied.

Custom local modules

const lib = require('../rel/path/to/lib') // 相对路径

Remote modules

const lib = require('lib') // 与在npm进行安装时同样的名称

Shipped modules

const fs = require('fs') // 内置模块,直接用模块名称


tldr; CLI(Command Line Interface) to manage remote modules

  • Ships with Node.js
  • Allows you to publish, download, and update modules
  • Use package.json file in your Node.js project to determine dependedcies
  • Store remote modules in the node_modules folder
  • …whole bunch of other stuff



Asynchronous Node.js

Asynchronous Code in Node.js

  • Async code

    • tldr; Node.js is single threaded and async like the browser, but you’ll probably do more async things
  • Node.js is single threaded and event based. Just like the browser

  • Unlike the browser, your Node.js app will be shared by all clients

  • You now have consider CPU intensive tasks that block the single thread(while loops)

Asynchronous Patterns

  • Async patterns

    • tldr; async/await is legit
  • callback parrern

doAsyncThing((err, result) => { /* do somethins */ })
  • promises
.then(result => {})
.catch(err => {})
  • async/await
const run  = async() => {
const result = await doAsyncThing() // must return a promise

Error handling

tldr; Errors kill your app, just like the browser

  • Any thrown or unhandled errors will cause the process to crash and exit
  • Your app may have errors that should not cause a crash, so you must handle accordingly


tldr; one server, handling many requests from clients

  • A server’s job is to handle a request from some sort of client(browser, mobile app, another server, etc)
  • Without considering scaling, one server instance will handle many client requesets.Compared to a client app where that code only cared about itself on the host machine.
  • Node.js has built in and community packages for build all types of servers(API’s, static, realtime, etc)

Debugging & Testing

Debugging Node

  • Debugging

    • tldr; just like chrome
  • Level 1

    • Use console.log to log your way through fixing your app. In production, record your logs
  • Level 2

    • Use the node inspector when starting your app and debug just like you would an browser app in chrome
  • Level 3

    • Text editor integration offers the most seamless experience

Testing Node Libraries

  • Testing

    • tldr; export you modules and use a testing framework
  • Before you can test your code, make sure it is testable. As long as you can export what you want to test, you should be able to test it. There are other concerns specific to what libraries and frameworks you use

  • You can test pretty much antthing in Node.js. Browser apps, API’s, CLI’s, scripts, tools, etc. Your test themselves will be executed in Node.js, so they have the abality to pretty much do anything.

Anatomy of Tests

tldr; many tools for the same job

  • Your code to be tested
  • Test Suite - responsible for helping organize you tests, provide hooks, and overall envionment
  • Assertion Library - does the actual comparisons in your test
  • Mocks + Spies - tools to help you test your code without testing other code or actually running your code(mock out api calls, check to see if an internal function was called)

Type of Tests

tldr; everything can be tested with Node

  • unit
  • integration
  • end-to-end
  • UI
  • snapshot
  • performance
  • …so many more

Publishing and Deploying

Sharing Modules

tldr; push code to github, publish to NPM

  • Sharing your modules are easy. Just a few things you have to check:
    • add node_modules to gitignore
    • declare remote modules as devDependencies if you only need them to develop with(like jest)
    • think about how your app will be used and what dependencies the host app might have, you don’t want to include another version(although NPM tries ti fix this for you)
    • is this private or public?

Deploying Your Servers

tldr; follow cloud provider instructions, and never hard code secrets

  • Each cloud provider has it’s own method of deploying your apps on their platforms. Most of them have some integration with github or a CLI to assist.

  • Few things to remember

    • remove secrets and use environment vars
    • setup a CI flow for your app
    • make sure you are developing with the same version of node you are deploying to

Futher Tools & Resources
